Private photoshooting

For all private photoshooting, here are some general information : 

  • Pictures taken by Nikon professional gear

  • All pictures are RAW files edited with Adobe Lightroom software (delivered in JPG file)
  • Copyrighted for personal use only ; for commercial use please contact us.
  • Shooting prices based on a 30mn driving radius from Tarifa ; for further shooting spots contact us.
  • Media files delivered by online photo album (password secured)
  • Pictures provided in 2 formats (low resolution for social medias and high resolution for printing)
  • Additional service : 360 cameras renting and 360 videos editing (please contact us for details)
  • Private photoshooting is booked upon 30% of price paid upfront (this guarantee will not be given back in case of cancellation less than 48 hours before planned photoshooting)

If interested, contact us to set a shooting meeting according to our availability and best possible conditions on the water !